approximate travel time in hours
origin walk bike drive catskill, ny 23 6 1.5 troy, ny 28 8 2 ithaca, ny 32 9 2 manhattan, ny 49 17 3 philadelphia, pa 64 20 4 providence, ri 71 21 4 montreal, qc 92 26 5 mesa verde, co 672 187 32 lost coast, ca 944 259 46
bus — trailways stops in delhi a block away a few times each day.
be sure to plan in advance if attending a multi-day workshop. there are no hotels nearby but there is an active short-term house rental market.
farmers' market is on wednesday when in season. delhi has a small grocery and several cafes within walking distance.
hiking trails are generously maintained by the catskill mountain club.
(607) 746-2003
updated 11/08/22