Saturday, July 22, 10am-4pm (with break)
Presented by Ezra Buchla
Develop personalized and performative audio effects using the SuperCollider computer language.
Many of us eat simple foods for most of our meals in life. Likewise, simple audio effects are always on hand and find frequent use in musical performance and production. But as with a loaf of bread or a cooked egg, there is a universe of variation within each elemental dish.
In this workshop series we will seek to broaden and deepen our experience making audio effects in supercollider, with an emphasis on refining their playability and unique sonic/gestural qualities. We will consider the elemental components of each, asking ourselves:
What are the assumptions and defaults at work?
How can we usefully question these assumptions to extend the range of our musical tools?
Along the way we will move at a brisk pace through many features of the Supercollider environment and programming language.
This particular session will focus on granular audio processing, with special attention to live delays and loopers, and immediately venturing beyond the default structure available in the environment.
Prerequisites and Equipment:
Total newcomers to SuperCollider may find this a challenging introduction. On the other hand, expert-level audio programmers or SC users may not have much to learn from this course. (But it may still be fun to hang out and share ideas!)
Ezra Buchla is a professional audio technologist and programmer, and a widely peformed musician / sound artist. Ezra's experience with SuperCollider dates back to 1998, taking workshops with author James McCartney, and has included many hundreds of live performances across the world. Ezra is also known to some as a lead software developer for monome's norns and aleph sound computer systems.
(607) 746-2003
updated 02/20/24